Monthly Archives: April 2013

Latest version of Statistics for Humanities available for comments

Statistics for Humanities has been extensively revised and is now available for further comments. I am particular keen to receive feedback from undergraduate and postgraduate students, especially those in the humanities.

Still quite a few formatting issues. A couple of the sections need some work, e.g. the gini coefficient section, parts of the presenting data chapter (there are some graphs without any explanation at present).

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Languages and sustainability in Manchester, 28th June

I'm pleased to confirm that I will be speaking on languages and sustainability at "Innovative Language Teaching and Learning at University: Enhancing the Learning Experience through Student Engagement" which will be held at University of Manchester, 28th June 2013. The trust of the of my message will be that not only are there are many opportunities for languages to engage with questions of sustainability and sustainable development, but that it is necessary that we take them.

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Breaking the rules of writing book reviews

My latest internet addiction is Although I’ve never been a serious player I enjoy playing through the games of great players, past and present. Last night I was looking at the game where the late Tony Miles beat the then World Champion Anatoly Karpov using the unusual St George’s Defence (For the uninitiated, the St George’s Defence looks like the sort of opening played by someone who has only just learnt how the pieces move).
On a seemingly unrelated note I have been leading a session for our research postgraduates on writing book reviews. Whatever rules exist about book review writing, Tony Miles broke them.
Of Samurai Chess: Mastering the Martial Art of the Mind Samurai by Michael Gelb and Raymond Keene he wrote:

Frankly I wish I’d never agreed to review this book. Criticism of it will inevitably seem like gratuitous Mondo [Raymond Keane] knocking, and praise will be seriously misplaced. Actually I quite like the cover. If you want something to leave lying about on a coffee table it’s just the job. However, opening it is not recommended. Click here for the rest…

If that review wasn't bad enough he only used two word to review Eric Schiler’s. Unorthodox Chess Openings:

“Utter crap”.

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