Good feedback: joining up the circles

The website for our Getting More Out of Feedback is coming along nicely. As part of the Sharing Practice in Assurance and Enhancing Quality (SPEAQ) project, this GMOOF project aims to join up the quality circles of the  student, the teacher, and the quality manager. Rather than having separate websites for students, teachers and quality managers on giving and receiving feedback, we recognise that good feedback from teacher to students, students to teachers, teachers to teachers, students to students, teacher to professional   body etc. etc. has the same characteristics.

Phil Race characterises good feedback as:

  • Relevant
  • Timely
  • Meaningful
  • Suggestions for improvement

Good feedback has these characteristics, irrespective of who is the provider of feedback and who is the recipient.

The website also contains a brief review of the literature on feedback in higher education.

As well as the xtranormal videos I mentioned in a previous post we have interviews with various members of staff, in preparation. My interview with my LLAS colleague Laurence Georgin is available on youtube and through the site.


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