Category Archives: Excel

New resource: Critical values and random numbers tables under CC licence

I have put together an excel spreadsheet with critical values of Chi, F, R T, U, and Z.

I've also added some random numbers.

Download the Critical values and random numbers (.xlsx)

This document is made available under a Creative Commons licence.


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New resource: Excel to help with statistics involving pre-decimal UK currency.

Until 1971 the UK used pounds (£), shillings (s) and pence (d).

There were 12 pence in shilling.

20 shillings in a pound

240 pence in a pound.

More about decimalisation can be found on Wikipedia 

If basic arithmetic wasn't enough of a problem, statistics must have been a nightmare. This excel spreadsheet enables the input of up to 300 prices in pounds, shillings and pence and calculates:

  1. The Total sum
  2. Mean average
  3. Standard Deviation
  4. Maximum
  5. Minimum
  6. Upper quartile
  7. Lower Quartile
  8. Median

It also converts all the pounds, shillings and pence data into (today’s) decimal currency. This makes pre-1971 and post-1971 comparisons possible. (Full details of the mathematics behind this are in the Wikipedia article cited above).

Download the spreadsheet (Excel 2010) predecimal excel

The excel side of things is a complicated and probably far more complex than it needs to be. Any improvements welcome.

John Canning, 2013

This is Creative Commons resource, so improvements etc. are welcome.

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Converting tables from Excel 2010 to LaTeX using excel2latex add-in

Orginal Excel 2010 table
Orginal Excel 2010 table

Building all but the simplest tables in LaTeX is not a particularly intuitive process. I’ve just been trying out the Excel2Latex add-in for converting tables from Excel (2010) into LaTeX. I eventually got it to work, but it look a lot of on-line detective work to work it all out. It appears that it was easier to use in Excel 2003.

  1. First of all you need to download the add in file  The file has the extension .xla
  2. It will tell you to open the file in excel. When I tried to open the file in Excel nothing happened, but the file got saved under username/temp rather than in username/downloads. (as I was opening it up online).
  3. In early versions of excel this might have been enough and the Excel2Latex add-in would appear under the tools menu. This was not the case in Excel 2010.
  4. I then opened Excel and clocked on “File”, then “Options”.
  5. I then selected Add-ins from the left hand side.
  6. A list of available Add-ins came up, but Excel2Latex did not appear.
  7. At the bottom of the dialogue box you should find the word ‘Manage’. Select Add-ins from the drop down menu and click ‘Go’
  8. A list of available add-ins will appear. If Excel2Latex is there select it, but in my case it was not there. If this is the case click ‘Browse’ and find the file excel2Latex.xla. Select it and it should be added to your list of add-ins.
  9. Now close Excel down.
  10. When excel is re-opened a new heading will appear at the top of the Excel window labelled ‘add-ins’ . Click on this menu item and you should see two new buttons. “Convert table to LaTeX” and “Convert all stored tables to LaTeX”.
  11. Open up an excel file (if you have not already done so) and Click on “add-ins”, then “Convert table to LaTeX”. New buttons
  12. Excel will then generate the LaTeX code for your table.LaTeX Code generated  in Excel
  13. Export or copy+paste into your usual .tex/ LaTeX editor
    Code pasted into my LaTeX editor
    Code pasted into my LaTeX editor

  14. The final result in my .pdf file! Looks nice I think.

    PDF screenshot
    PDF screenshot


Excel2latex can cope with formats such as italic and bold,but not colour at present.

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