GIS resources


My data for schools in England and Wales

I have been doing some research recently which has involved mapping English and Welsh secondary schools. I was unable to find some of the base maps I needed online so I have created them as shapefiles and .kml. Unfortunately I am unable to upload .kml files individually (security reasons apparently) so they need to downloaded as one .zip file. Disclaimer: I can't promise that the information here is 100% accurate. For definitions of the different school type you can visit the Wikipedia article on Education in England.

Updated: 6/8/2013: Files for Wales added

Google maps .kml (Google Earth) Shapefiles (.zip)
Schools  All kml files (England only) This is a zip file.
England (all Secondary schools)  Not available  Not available
England (Independent Schools)  Google map  Independent
England (Academies)  Google map  Academies
England (Voluntary Aided or Voluntary Controlled schools)  Google map Voluntary aided and controlled
England Community Schools Google map  Community schools
England Foundation schools  Google map  FD schools
England- special schools Google map  special schools
 South East England- all schools by type Google map  Not available
South East England- independent schools Google map
NEW! Wales- all schools  Googlemap Wales all schools kml Wales schools shapefiles
English regions  Not available  England regions

GIS software and tools

Free Geography Tools. Loads of great stuff on here and linked from here.

Batchgeo Plot postcodes or addresses onto a google map which can be saved as a .kml file (Free up to about 2000 entries). Pro version available for large use.

MapWindow Free open source GIS software

Zonum Solutions Free converters for files used in GIS

Google Earth (free download). Pro version available


Ordnance Survey open data. High quality free maps from the OS. (UK)

England schools data. Includes addresses, postcodes and schools performance data. The full England version is at the top of the list, but a bit difficult to spot.

UK postcodes with Latitude and Longitude. This information has been released into the public domain recently.

UK postcodes mapped to Latitude, Longitude and place  More geographical postcode resources from a volunteer (to whom I am very grateful)

Geocommons (Data sharing website)

EDINA Jisc-designated national data centre at the University of Edinburgh.


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