Coventry maintains Number 1 position on the NSS Canning list

I've just calculated the 2015 for the Canning list. The full data will be uploaded soon.

The top 10 institutions for average score are a mix of large and smaller providers, perhaps demonstrating that insitutations of all sizes can score well (or badly). Among the larger providers (minimum 20 programmes)  Coventry maintains its number 1 position.





Top 10 universities for National Student Survey (2015) Minimum 10 courses

Institution Number of courses Mean WSSS
City College Plymouth 11 1550.1
Coventry University 51 1502.4
The University of Surrey 36 1489.7
North Lindsey College 11 1456.9
Doncaster College 14 1446
The University of Leeds 72 1432.9
The University of Keele 34 1427
Bangor University 44 1423.8
Solihull College 13 1423.4
University of Ulster 57 1421






Top 10 universities for National Student Survey (2015) Minimum 20 courses

University Number of courses Mean WSSS
Coventry University 51 1502.4
The University of Surrey 36 1489.7
The University of Leeds 72 1432.9
The University of Keele 34 1427
Bangor University 44 1423.8
University of Ulster 57 1421
Loughborough University 34 1419.1
Edge Hill University 29 1415
Nottingham Trent University 47 1410.8
Bath Spa University 22 1410.4
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